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Thursday, April 4, 2019


Challenge is a strong weapon for the wise to prove men who challenged them to be wrong but why is it a bad and worst thing that can ever happen to a fool for he will flee on his way for hideout.
ACTION:                                                                    Action speaks louder than voice is an action that comes from the heart not out of ‘’hypocrisy’’
POWER:                                                                            Power can be powerless if the one in power no not what it takes to acquire power and when miss-used.
VISION:                                                                                    Vision is a mental picture of what the future will be like, why plan is the road to the future. Been well learned those not guaranty you being well disciplined.
CANDLE                                                                       As the candle burns to in other to give light, and lighten up the environment so do men live to live out their live out their life by living.
HEART                                                                               Out of the heaviness of the heart the mouth speaks so is it out of your life style a name is given despite the name you have already.
DO WE                                                                        Do we need to die now because of the things we see or for the fact the things are not working the way we plained it. Should we commit suicide because men don’t believe in you, or because life seems to be hard on you? Do you think that given up is the best to do now? The questions is too big for us and why is it always coming? Crying is never a wise idea but determination can subdue anything, just a matter and persistence on what you know is right. Nothing am doing can ever a waste.
WHY NOW                                                                                                    Why now, why now with tears in thy eyes why this, why that, its quiet serous on how we see life. Things happens to make us strong not to make us sober and sorrow all time, the wise always stands and moves on with life in the miss of difficulties that shows bravery at work. Our weakness can eventually be our greatest source of strength it is lift for us to dig deep.

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