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Saturday, March 30, 2019


Who you are
You are beautiful
You are smart
You are funny
You are unique
You are worthy of love and affection
You are never too much
You are always enough
You are precious
You are diamond
You are rose, pearl
You are the most stunning of all God’s creation
You are worth more than you can ever imagine worth more than a number in a scale,
You are beautiful beyond human imagination
Starting from your toes to your hair,
Your worth surpasses all earthly things because in the eyes of the creator you are loved.
You are worth dying for.
Even if you have nobody to call a friend always remember that you have the best friend ever.
No need to think less about yourself no to devalue yourself, ‘no’ all that doesn’t worth it you are special, unique, wonderfully and fearfully made in the image of God.
Say no to that voice that keeps telling that you are nobody, that you have nothing, that you are from a poor home, that you never want to university, that you didn’t go to the best university in world, that you never came out of university with first class degree, say no to that voice, he is an enemy to your future, he is an enemy to our vision, he an enemy to your career, he is an enemy to you success say no to him, yes say no to him, you can see him but he knows you and weak point, he has seen your tomorrow that is why he want to stop you today, say no to him, he can’t read your mind but he can read your action and its through you action that he plays with your mind by placing fear. You are made of GOD and that makes you one. Don’t allow the devil to stop, he can work through men, yes, even your most trusted friend, brother, sister don’t mind him, believe in God and also believe in yourself that you are able to do what ye decides to do, so far you are walking with GOD. JUST SET YOUR EYES ON IT, AND BELIEVE YOU CAN, AND YOU WILL CONQUER

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