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Saturday, March 30, 2019


My mind, my thinking, my thoughts
Oh what an incomparable being in man
Who always speaks to us into understanding?
Even when men turn their minds to be bad
Or good, there’s always been a warning (danger), ready or carry go
Traffic light that always speaks to us to do right

Power of thinking is the power for transformation,
Out of thinking, mind and thoughts comet the good and bad
But it only produces whatever men gives to it
The mind is never corrupt but is our thoughts and thinking that corrupts that being called (mind)

Power of thinking out of the things given to the mind
Through thinking and thought the mind have been able to make appropriate use of it
In good or bad outcome but the mind is powerful and functional is because
There is a powerful thinking; it takes only a renewed mind to bring a positive outcome

Power of thinking, nothing ever existed in the world today
Without the help of the mind and the mind thinks before given out what she has
My mind, my life, my life is made through my thinking and my thought is what makes me who I am

Power of thinking is the power changing and nothing is changed nor done without her
The thinking from the mind is what the whole world is experiencing today and there were people who think to make the world what its today
My world is my mind and what makes me useful to the world is because through my mind
I think and thought off things to be.
Without my existence there will be nothing like the world, and without my world the whole world would have not be in existence, THINK! THINK! And THINK! And you will think out something good to give to the world, Out of your world. My world means allot to me and I mean allot in my world, due I know nothing in this world in my world I know all but still there is nothing like the world without my world and existence. Think and will know that your world (mind) have allot to contribute and give to the wide word been the world of men. I think you have to think. My mind is my palace nothing existed without my world, think about it and never allow the enemy of the mind to take over your world, if he does he will useless it and if he succeeds you are doomed because you are nothing without your world. SO TAKE CHARGE


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