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Tuesday, March 26, 2019


At times some post headings seems to be annoying but turn back to be interesting at the end, i know you will be wondering what exactly is he trying to say, but believe me i have cooked a delicious meal here today, you see when others are saying  ‘’we are the cause of our problems’’ then we join the chorus, but do you really believe that? You know in life everyday everyone comes out with their own kind of reasoning, but you know what? The truth is always bitter
Things you know you cant afford then avoid it, you know that first class flight is always expensive but simply because you happen to see a celebrity that is about to go for a first class you then change your mind to the same thing, the truth here is that do you know that if you actually went for the lesser one you would have saved money in your bank account, don’t do what others are doing but follow up with you good target in life cause all fingers are not equal, some clothe are very expensive but you need because a friend has it, do you know how come about the source of his or her income? Your friends are in high schools and you have not gotten admission, how will you see it this way that you rush into high school knowing too well that you have no sponsor or means of income and when the school needs arises you look for who to blame, but what happen if look for a mini trade to support yourself to raise money for sometime so that when you get to school things will not be that hard for you, i have seen so many advisable platform that are really helping youth to raise money, stop rushing first class, start somewhere you will even pass that level you’re looking up to, so many girls rushed into school and later start sleeping around with men just to raise money, have you forgotten  about STD? Why wasting your life because of first class? Same thing to boys they join bad gangs to commit all kinds of crimes and and later face the worst penalty when they fall victims

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