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Friday, March 29, 2019

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Decide how you'll edit the film. Unless you're going to go quick-and-dirty and only edit on the camera, which would involve filming everything in order and filming only perfect takes, (which is very time consuming). you'll need to import the footage onto a computer. Mac computers come with iMovie and PC computers come with Windows Movie Maker, basic types of editing software that will allow you to edit the footage together, mix in the sound, and even add credits. •You can upgrade to more complex and professional editing software like Video Edit Magic or Avid FreeDV.[3] If these are not available two free but very professional movie editing tools are available Open Shot and Light Works which you can get for free and use.
Find a place to film. Filming an outer space epic in your dorm room would be difficult, as would filming your gritty film about a street hustler in the mall. Look at what locations are available to you, and consider what stories might evolve from that location. The film "Clerks" revolves around a bunch of apathetic guys working at a convenience store, and hanging out. Without access to said convenience store, it would have been difficult going.[4] •Businesses and restaurants are often hesitant about letting amateur filmmakers use their property for filming, but you can always ask. Often, people will be excited about the idea of being included.
Find people willing to help. With very few exceptions, producing a film involves a large group of people who come together to serve a common goal: a great visual story that deserves telling. You'll need people to act and people to help film. Cast your friends in these roles, or place a call out on Facebook or Craigslist to get people interested in your project. If you're not going to be able to pay anyone, make that clear right off the bat. •If you live in a college town, consider putting up flyers in the drama buildings to see if any local talent might be interested. You might be surprised at how excited most people are to be included in a project like this.

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