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Thursday, February 7, 2019


Simply put, being “bloated” is the feeling of having built- up gas in your digestive system that makes your stomach protrude uncomfortably.
Some people even kid around and joke that they “look pregnant” when their abdominal bloating becomes very bad.
Gas is the especially
Most common cause of after eating
Gas builds up in the digestive tract when undigested food gets broken down or when you swallow air.
Everyone swallows air when they eat or drink.
But some people can swallow more than others, especially if they are:
‘eating or drinking too fast
‘Chewing gum
‘Wearing loose dentures
Burping and flatulence are two swallowed air leaves the body.
Medical causes
other causes of bloating may be due to
medical conditions.
These include:
•irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
• inflammatory bowel disease, such as
ulceration colitis or Cohan's disease
•other functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs)
• heartburn
•food intolerance
•weight gain
• hormonal flux (especially for women)
•guardians (intestinal parasite infection)
•eating disorders such as anorexia nervous or bulimia nervosa
• mental health factors such as stress,
anxiety, depression, and more
•some medications
bloating is often accompanied by excessive gas (flatulence)
•frequent burping or belching abdominal rumbling or gurgles
A big culprit is not drinking enough water, impacting your overall salt and water
It’s an important factor in reducing bloat. Try a tall glass of water when you wake up:
You’ve been fasting
and while most people focus on breakfast, it’s a good idea to
hydrate first thing in the morning.
Drink it cold, hot, room temperature, with
or however you prefer.
Impact your salt and water balance, which results in bloating.
Some nutrient-packed foods
like raw vegetables and some fruits can be hard to digest.
You’ll need to monitor your own intake of foods and figure out which ones can bloat you.
Everyone’s digestive tract is different and can respond in different ways.

Your own digestive habits,
Medications you
Take and your overall health can impact that decision.
Look for probiotic-rich foods first and
consider a supplement only after
consultation with your doctor.
Your own digestive habits, medications you take, and your overall health can impact that decision.

These everyday actions can add a lot of
extra air to your stomach and contribute to bloating:
Chewing gum
drinking through a straw
Eating too fast
•Avoid foods that cause gas,
Such as
Vegetables in the cabbage family dried beans and lentils.
• Eat slowly and avoid drinking through a straw.
• Use lactose-free dairy products lactose intolerant).
(If you are
Abdominal massages may also help reduce abdominal bloating. 

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