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Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Mvt 1 street ext day
Cast: chioma, paulina, Dorothy
Camera open on the environment of togo city, and processes on a street were chioma and her friend Dorothy are walking ,along discussing a car drives pass them. Chioma recognize her younger step sister,paulina behind the wheel, chioma waves, running after the moving car.paulina sees her through the rear viewing mirror and stops the car.she comes out of the car and embraces chioma excitedly.
Chioma: paulina it has been a long time since  you left for the united state.
Paulina: sister chioma, i am back, i have been back for over a year.
Chioma: you look great (Dorothy walk over)  this is my friend Dorothy, Dorothy meet my step sister paulina.
Paulina: Dorathy how are you?
Dorathy: i am fine thank you
Chioma:is that your car?
Paulina: yes i bought it when i returned from united state. Can i take both of you out?
Chioma: please do, i am dying to hear the heroes of America
Paulina: lets go. (they follow her to the car and climb in Paulina drives off)
_________ cut to_________
Mut 2  fast food int day
Casp: paulina, chioma, dorathy
The girls are eating snacks and drinking juice
Paulina: chioma america is not a bed of roses as people think, you dont pick gold on the streets, you must work hard to earn a living.
Chioma: really?
Paulina: i had to wash plate in a restaurant.
Chioma: but you left here as a graduate
Paulina: our degree here is not well regarded in Europe. Except you study over there.
Chioma: how did you make your money then?
Paulina: i met one lady who thought me hair dressing.
FIND OUT WHAT Happens NEXT, GOODBYE FOR NOW, see you all in next episode and don’t forget to subscribe.see you next time

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