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Thursday, February 7, 2019

Dyspepsia Dyers

Dyspepsia is a common condition and usually describes a group of symptoms rather than one predominant symptom.
Common causes of dyspepsia include:
• Burped-up stomach juices and gas
(regurgitation or reflux) caused by
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or
a hiatal hernia.
• A disorder that affects movement of food
through the intestines, such as irritable
bowel syndrome.
• Peptic (stomach) ulcer or duodenal ulcer.
•An inability to digest milk and dairy
products (lactose intolerance).
Gallbladder pain (biliary colic) or
inflammation (cholecystitis).
•Anxiety or depression.
• Side effects of caffeine, alcohol, or
Examples of medicines that may cause
dyspepsia are aspirin and similar drugs,
antibiotics, steroids, dioxin, and
theophyl line.
‘Swallowed air.
•Stomach cancer.

• Belly pain or discomfort.
• Bloating.
or discomfort.
Feeling uncomfortably full after eating.
• Nausea.
Loss of appetite.
• Burping up food or liquid (regurgitation).
Most people will experience some symptoms of dyspepsia within their lifetimes.
•Avoid overeating
• Eat slowly and regularly
•Avoid greasy, high-fat foods
Limit spicy foods
Do not smoke
Drink coffee, alcohol, and soda pop in
Maintain a healthy weight
Exercise regularly
Practice relaxation techniques
In severe or frequent cases of indigestion, a doctor may prescribe medication.
These counter the effects of stomach acid. Examples include Alka-Seltzer, Maa lox,
Rolaids, Riopan, and Mylanta. These are over-the-counter (OTC) medicines that do not need a prescription.
A doctor will usually recommend an
antacid medication as one of the first
treatments for dyspepsia.
H-2-receptor antagonists:
These reduce stomach acid levels and last longer than antacids.
However, antacids act more quickly.
Examples include Zantac, Tagamet, Pepcid, and Axid.
Some of these are OTC, while others are only available on prescription.
Some people may experience nausea,

vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and
headaches after taking these.
Other side effects may include bruising or bleeding.
Proton pump inhibitors (PP Is):
Examples include Aciphex, Nexium,
Prevacid, Prilosec, Protonix, and Zegerid. PPIs are highly effective for people who also have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). They reduce stomach acid and are stronger than H-2-receptor antagonists.
Speak to a doctor about possible side
This medication is helpful for stomachs
that empty slowly. One example of a
prokinetic drug is Reglan. Side effects may include tiredness, depression, sleepiness, anxiety, and muscle spasms.

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