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Thursday, January 24, 2019

BOBRISKY’s WAS EXPOSED ON MANY OF HIS LIES!! His Mum IS Not Dead AT ALL…AND Why He Neglected HIS Family, AND HIS Real Age!!!

In a recent Instagram post, Nigeria’s drag queen and cross dresser, Bobrisky has informed the public that his mum has passed away.

Not a few of his followers would be shocked at the revelation made by Enquirermag 

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Gleefully dishonest, intentionally ambiguous, eternally bored, and unfathomably manipulative, self-styled queen of social media, Idris Okuneyea.k.aBobrisky is no doubt Nigeria’s ultimate master of deception. For whatever his/her reasons for denying his mother and to the extent of proclaiming the innocent woman of substance as being dead, the controversial cross dresser sure needs to see a psychiatrist.
Stunning facts have emerged on the true position of Bobrisky’s mother and the woman is far from being dead. The woman of substance who’s popularly referred to as Alhaja Belington is hale and hearty, in fact, she lives and has a big provision store inside Magodo in the heart of Ikeja, Lagos, this much Enquirermag can authoritatively disclose.
It is crystal clear that Idris Okuneyea.k.aBobrisky is undeniably a chronic liar and like all pathological liars, they learned from an early age that they get punished more often for telling the truth than they do for lying. They get so accustomed to devious behavior that they lie without much thought or emotion, their situation is that critical and, so it is, for the flash-in-the-pan cross-dresser who broke down in tears during the last Mothers’ Day to claim his mother is not alive.
”Mum, I love you with all my heart; I’m hustle back to back to make you proud. Continue to rest in peace. I love you”, she cried in the Mothers’ Day video she posted on Instagram in March last year, 2018 and he also just posted another one recently.

The self acclaimed queen of snapchat has endlessly built his fame on multiple falsehoods; in fact his series of lies are pandemic that one wonders how he goes to bed at night. One of his biggest lies is the issue of his age, Bob who’s claiming to be a 1992 child was born in the 80s according to family sources.
According to Enquirermag’s impeccable sources, this is someone who was still at his mother’s 60th birthday sometime in November 2016 inside Magodo whilst she was still test-running his/her gender. Infarct, we’re able to get a picture of him with one of his siblings on the occasion of the mum’s 60th birthday and we’re told he (Idris) and his siblings threw caution to the wind by engaging each other’s jugular, fighting over who should pay for photography, we gathered it took the intervention of the Magodo police to pour oil on troubled water.
”He lived his formative years with Alhaja inside Magodo, everybody knows them, they’re popular here, it’s just sad for him to be telling people his mum is dead, why does he want the woman dead, his mum is hale and hearty, nothing is wrong with Alhaja Belington, she’s always in her shop where she sells provision, you can go there and talk to her”, the source told this magazine.
It will interest you to find out that Bobrisky’s mum, Alhaja Belington is as popular in Magodo as his son on social media, if you doubt this, just pick a bike from Magodo gate and tell them you’re going to Alhaja Belington’s shop, the provision store where she sells is on 47, Abdulquadri Street, opposite MRA office, MagodoShangisha, Lagos.
Our indefatigable team of investigative reporters was at Alhaja Bollington’s provision store inside Magodo where we met with some of his siblings and also eldest sister, and fortunately the mum, Alhaja was inside her tenant’s shop, Mama Malabar where she was actually making her hair and nails on that fateful day. We did buy few things and recorded this video when efforts to talk to them proved abortive, we were actually warned to desist from bringing the matter up with his mum because that’s one pain in the old woman’s ass, the source told us she might break down for the rest of the day and it might spark other controversies. Below is the footage of the provision store.
According to sources close to the family, Bobrisky, born Idris Okuneye is the woman’s last born and his other siblings are in the US while his sister, who just relocated from the US is presently helping the old woman to run her shop in Magodo, there’s also Gideon, Bobrisky’s nephew (in the video) who’s his carbon copy when he was still his real self.
The old woman, according to the source has been keeping to herself ever since she learnt of her son’s scandalously queer choice of life, “Alhaja is so sad to hear what Idris has turned to, she doesn’t usually come out in public like before, and she strolls to her shop and goes back home everyday, the source told us.
This is indeed a shocking discovery that has kept mouths wide open. Why on earth would someone declare a woman who carried him /her in her womb for 9 months dead because of fame cash/money. Well there is still time for him to reconcile with the family, please Bob; this is our honest advice to you.

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