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Saturday, February 2, 2019

A police/mopol officer lost his life while on duty, all because of #50.


According to report Mr. Okorie onu a police officer serving at zone 9 umuahia was on morning duty on 31th of January 2019, they were on patrol with his team when Mr. Okorie onu asked them to stop so that they can do road block along Enugu/portacouth express way.

The team according them refused but Mr. Okorie onu gave them reasons but still they insist that they should continue with the patrol Mr. Okorie onu tried all possible means to convince his team but they refused and went ahead with the patrol on their way, according to his team that was interviewed they saw people fighting on the way they arrested them and took them to the station and detained them.

After the detention, Mr. okorie onu and his team went back on patrol while Mr. Okorie onu continue to disturb them on what he suggested before that they should go on road block his team also refused again he tried all possible miens to convince them but they refused, and carried out their operation while driving a vehicle ran across them with a very high speed, they suspected the vehicle according to them, but not very about their thought. 

So they drove ahead a little bight and saw people running, they branched from afar and asked question people told them that there was a robbery few minutes before there arrival, according to the team they recur back on the vehicle that drove across them few minutes ago and the time in which they arrived corresponded with the time people gave.
Immediately they went before the vehicle but couldn’t meet up with them, they stopped. Mr. Okorie onu told them that they should stop and do road block, he convinced them by telling them that some of the guys might be coming back they finally agreed and they were doing stop and search on the road while Mr. Okorie was on the other side collecting mo9ney from people as they were on duty one tanker was also approaching with high speed Mr. Okorie onu was trying to stop the tanker but due to the speed the driver couldn’t stop and was horning for him to get out of the road. 

Mr. Okorie onu was still on the road, when saw that the vehicle is already close he attempted to run out of the road but it was too late, the tanker crushed him and separates his upper body from the lower part. And that was how he ended up.
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