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Monday, March 4, 2019


Please my fellow student of Evangel University listen to this very announcement from the S.U.G president its very real, as I am going to narrate this story on how snake bite me in the hostel.

This very story that I am about to narrate, is very real it happened this morning in my hostel by 11am at evangel university akaeze Eboyni state,
Yesterday i was with my roommate inside the hostel having a gist together and it happens that all of us were on our bed, so we heard something making noise at the door so we taught is as usual when other of our hostel mate normally do, but not knowing that it wasn’t so.

We ignored it and continued with the gist, the thing makes noise again we all stood up and check at the door but behold nothing was there, we removed the rag which we are using to clean water in the floor, and we found nothing, all of us went back to our bed and start using it as a joke, we even ask some of our hostel mate but they said that it wasn’t them we left to our various beds and started the gist again some of us even sleep off when they get bored with the gist,
Finally we all slept reaching in the morning we woke up and was preparing for lecture some of that woke up early have already gone to class it was remaining only I and two of my friends who normally do things together.

Both of them went to get something from one man that us to sell something in front of boy's hostel (papa ifeanyi’s shop) because they have dressed up already, so i went inside the birth room to shower I heard something making noise in the room, so id called my roommates name they didn’t answer I kept quite after birthing I came out of the birth room and dressed up, and as I want to wear my shoe something bite me and i look inside the shoe behold the snake was inside.

Please make sure you check your things properly before wearing it. 


  1. Sorry for the bite and I hope you get well soon but the poor grammar used here is so disgusting and disgraceful...
    Before posting on the internet look for a good editor, go through the post repeatedly and make corrections. Don't disgrace my school!

    1. Yes O

      Grammarian,next after Queen Elizabeth,oxford dictionary,i dey hail


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