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Sunday, February 3, 2019

Note this:“When there is true love, there are no regrets of the past.”

Men, well, honestly - there's nothing complicated( When a woman loves you - even a child can see it!)
8 Signs of true love from a woman:

(1). Sign of true love from a woman: A woman will discuss her beloved everywhere: with her friends, with his friends, with parents, with her colleagues or group mates. Every one of them will definitely know what her boyfriend said or did, and what color his eyes are.

(2). Sign of true love from a woman: Every single woman will find tons of sweet and pleasant words of her appraisal towards her partner. Thus, if a girl starts to praise you, take a closer look at her: what if she’s your destiny?

(3).Sign of true love from a woman : A peculiar sign of true feeling is a woman’s willingness to give up some of her habits for the sake of her beloved. She’s ready to quit smoking, meeting her friends on Friday nights or working late hours.

(4).Sign of true love from a woman: A woman likes to watch her beloved every single minute, and she enjoys looking at him face-to-face for a very long time
(5). You are her priority - she does everything to please you she can prepare amazing dishes for you she make changes according to what you like and what you don't like when you fall sick she will make her time to take care of you when you are depressed, life doesn't go the way you want it, she gives you positive energy,she won't bring you down she cares about how you feel, if she hurts your feeling, she will apologize

(6). I believe if a girl can do all the items to a guy, she is giving 100% of herself. However, it doesn't always mean she can get the same 100% from the guy she loves... So we should always remind ourselves how much we can do before we question whether our partner can give their 100%
(7).How do you know a woman is in love?
There are a lot of ways to figure out the love of a woman.If she decides to leave her parents, give up her lifestyle, her home, comforts, career all to be with a person. Know she loves him.If she is ready to face physical drawbacks and mental stress just to give birth to his baby, know she loves him.If she leaves her job, her career, her own health and instead nurtures the newborn, know she loves the baby.If she goes to the kitchen to cook food and wash clothes just after returning from the office without a moment of rest, know she loves the family.If after getting married and being in someone else's house still she does all her responsibilities as a daughter, know she loves her parents.If even after his torture, his parents' complaints she withstands everything silently, know she loves his family.If after bearing a lot of pain she finally speaks up and protests against the wrong then know she loves and respects herself too.

(8).There is no way you can tell.  Women's emotions and thought process have been sculpted by generations of natural selection so that women desire a relationship with a provider.  What do women say they want today?  They want "high-quality, affordable child care" which is code talk for someone else paying for it.  They want free birth control and free abortions.  They want a "social safety net" so that they can have babies and families without having to depend on men.  They want someone else to pay the costs of their decisions.

To be fair, almost every woman has a hard time telling if a man loves her.  Men know to talk about love to manipulate women and some of them sound pretty convincing.  It goes both ways.

Well When I ask myself this question I always arrive to same answer. If a woman comes even halfway near the way  my mother loves me selflessness, 
then i guess that can be considered that something is rite. Apart from that God knows man, If you find the answer, Do tell me.


  1. Theres relly no answer to that becase no woman can tell wat a man is thinking

  2. Theres relly no answer to that becase no woman can tell wat a man is thinking


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