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Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Everybody what to become a talk of town.. I most buy my own Mercedes Benz and build
 my own house.. with the report reaching us has stated that the lady in the picture whose name have not been known yet have falling a victim in the hands of money rituals who are now been known as yahoo plus boys, who are in the mission of using young girls and ladies for money rituals, the crime scene was seen early today as the news is now all over the social media. the story so far has been that this lady in quote is one of those ladies out there who like accepting lefts and in the other hands jumping from one place to another in name that she wants to be rich and live a life of a big girl without knowing how come about the wealth of the men that she normally goes out with, neither the way about the money that she sees other young ladies spending happens to come. youths are now advice to be contended with they have and work hard as they are meant to believe that God is the only and reliable source of true success and Richie’s The book of Matthew 16:26 what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? so my brothers and sisters please the word is not real as think it is we all should be very careful about the things we do this days, because if everything havens to be the same way we thought it use to be i don't think this very incident will took place. please this just an advice to each and every one of us out there, be very careful on whatever thing you are engaging yourself into, the elderly people says that before warn is before harm.

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